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Philosophers of  the Arabs

Board of consultants
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    Considering that this site belongs to Arab philosophers, or Arab philosophy specialists, the invitation is open for all Philosophy professors who speak in Arabic to participate in the process of choice, evaluation and organization of the scientific material of the site. 

    Members of the board of consultants have the right to follow the material posted on the site, request alterations, additions or omission of parts of this material. In such a case, the matter will be opened for discussions and the final decision will be taken by majority of votes. This procedure insures balance of the material posted between different Ideologies.


The current list of the board of consultants is as follows:


1 Dr. Alsayed Rizq Alhajar Professor of Islamic Philosophy Faculty of Darelo'loum Cairo University
2 Dr. Abdoulquader Bu'arafa Professor of Political philosophy director of philosophy department, Wahran, Algeria
3 Dr. Bakry Muhammed Khalil Modern and Contemporary Cognitive Philosophy Philosophy Department, The Two Niles University, Khartoum
4 Dr. Hisham Omar Elnour Modern and Contemporary Social Philosophy Philosophy Department, The Two Niles University, Khartoum
5 Dr. Salah Osman Professor of Philosophy of Science Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Minufiya University, Egypt
6 Dr. Gamal Moufarraj Philosophy of Values Philosophy Department - Qusantina University - Algeria
7 Dr.Hirreche Baghdad Mohamed Modern Philosophy -
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Permanent Researcher in the Algerian National Center  
8 Dr. Badrane Benlahcene Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Civilization Philosophy Department, Batna University, Algeria
9 Dr. Raja Bahlul Metaphysics
and Islamic Philosophy
Philosophy Department
UAE University - Al Ain
10 Dr. hamdi Mlika Analytic Philosophy Department of Philosoph Kairouan University
11 Dr. Afif Othman Medeaval Philosophy Department of Philosophy - the Lebanese University
12 Dr. Fawzy Al-Heety Philosophy Al-Mustansryah University - Baghdad
13 Dr. Khaled Albahary Contemporary Philosphy and Aesthetics University of Tunisia Almanar







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