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    In this last section of our site we offer to visitors and members a variety of services, all directed toward performing the basic aim of this site, to serve as a channel between contemporary Arabic philosophy and the wider arena of contemporary human thought. There are many philosophy sites on the worldwide net which present different types of philosophy services, such as dictionaries, bibliographies, excerpts of famous philosophy books, free philosophy books and articles, etc. However, the Arabic philosophical communitiy lacks such a type of philosophy services in Arabic language. We, in this part of the site, purport to fill this gap. Hence, this section is oriented toward Arabic language philosophers who can not reach such a material directly through the net, for the barrier of language or any other reason.

    In the future we hope to present, in addition to the usual material that can be found in other sites, a service directed toward Arab philosophy scholars and students, namely the service of collecting and translating research articles around one requested topic. In addition to building gradually an Arabic philosophy dictionary oriented toward newly presented philosophical terms. We will also, due to the nature of this site as a medium for Arab scholars, try to launch a project for unifying philosophical terms in Arabic.



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