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Samir Abuzaid's Page


I- Philosophy of Science:

A- Papers

1. "A Conditional Random Walk Model for the Solution of Steady- State Flow Through Porous Media", (1987)
Masters thesis at the Ohio State University.

Subject: the application of the theory of the 'Random Walk Process', which is a part of the theory of probability, on one case of energy transfer, namely the flow of liquids in a steady state condition.

2. "Between scientific theories and philosophical conceptions – an investigation of the evolution of the relation between scientific and philosophical methodology" (In Arabic)
بين النظريات العلمية والتصورات الفلسفية-بحث في تطورات العلاقة بين منهج الفكر العلمي ومنهج الفكرلفلسفي Presented at the 13th annual convention of the (EPS), 2001

Subject: a study of the contemporary evolutions of scientific and philosophical thought on the methodological level. The work's insight is that scientific methodology has become less empirical, whereas the philosophical methodology has become more realistic. Such a conclusion points out to a conversion between the two domains of human inquiry.

3. "The scientific method of Abdo'lquaher Aljurjani – A reading in the theory of arrangement (Nazm)"(In Arabic), Presented in the 14ht annual convention of the (EPS), 2002, published in the new culture magazine April 2003.

المنهج العلمي عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني - قراءة في نظرية النظم

Subject: To study the methodology of sheikh Abdoul'quaher in his treatment of the problem of the linguistic miracle (I'jaz) of the Qur'an. And that he employed some form of a dichotomy between the theological and the scientific problems which allowed him to employ the theory of induction in a rigorous way to produce his new linguistic theory, the arrangement (Nazm).
4. "From determinism to choice-making – towards a formulation of the new non-mechanistic model of nature" (In Arabic), Presented at the 16th annual convention of the 'EPS' titled "philosophy of freedom", in print 2009

"من الحتمية إلى القدرة على الاختيار - نحو صياغة للنموذج اللاميكانيكي الجديد للطبيعة"

Subject: A study of contemporary new conceptions in philosophy of science and basic sciences. In this study the gradual decline of the deterministic mechanistic model of nature and the evolution of concepts forming a new model of nature is cited. In addition a proposition of this model is presented based on the principle of choice-making and the advent of a general form of its relevant laws of nature.
5- "the Theory of Nazm of Abdoulquaher Aljurjani,  the first application of the scientific method of human sciences?", (In Arabic) Published Dec. 2007, 2008 in Almawaqif, Department of human sciences, University Center at Mu'askar, Algeria, P. 285-297.

"نظرية النظم عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني - أول محاولة في العلوم الإنسانية؟"

 Subject: to prove that the theory of Nazm of Abdoulquaher Aljurjani, is a scientific theory with respect to human sciences in its modernist sense, and hence prove to be the first theory of human sciences, and to discuss the circumstances through which such a theory remained uncovered as a scientific theory until today.

6. 'Consciousness, ... an essential aspect of matter?, the search for new fundamental laws of nature' (In Arabic), published in "The Egyptian Philosophical Society Magazine", no. 17, 2008. p. 269-332.

"الوعي، هل يصبح أحد خواص المادة؟ - البحث عن قوانين أساسية جديدة للطبيعة"
Subject: Introducing a detailed description of the problem of consciousness in contemporary philosophy of science, and the theories introduced to interpret such a phenomenon. Also presenting the general conditions for any theory that is capable of presenting laws of consciousness, known as the "psycho-physical laws". The work introduces a structural version of the psycho-physical laws in which free choice is a central notion.

7- "Science and the Arabic Worldview - the Arabic Experience and the Scientific Grounding of Renaissance", (In Arabic), Almustaqbal Al-Arabi magazine, Center of Arabic Unity, Beirut, Sep. 2009, P. 7-27.

Subject: A review of a book by the same title published by the Center of Arabic Unity, 2009. The author deals with the problem of founding scientific thought in the Arabic society, on the basis of analyzing the European experience in the early renaissance and the methodology of separation/connection of Abdulqaher Aljurjani.

8 – "philosophy of science form an Islamic Perspective as a Basis for realizing Knowledge Integration" (in Arabic)

"فلسفة العلم من منظور إسلامي كأساس لتحقيق التكامل المعرفي"

Presented in the International conference of the Islamic Institute of Islamic Thought, Tlemcen, Algeria, April 2010, published in the proceedings of the conference titled 'Knowledge Integration, Its effects on High Education and its Civilizational Necessity', Raed Okasha (ed.), The International Institute of Islamic Thought press, 2012, P. 109-153.

Subject: Introducing a philosophical proposal for achieving integration of knowledge between Islamic sciences and modern Western sciences. The paper proposes that such an aim should be achieved on the level of philosophy of science, and through a comprehensive view of the historical development of the field of philosophy of science.

9- "The Crisis of Modern Medicine in View of Contemporary Transformations of Philosophy of Science", (in Arabic)

"أزمة الطب الحديث في ضوء التحولات المعاصرة في فلسفة العلم"

Prepared for presentation at the international conference 'Philosophy and Medicine', Al-Qayrawan, Tunisia, April 2010.

Subject: Description of the contemporary status of modern medicine, and its so called 'quality-of-care crisis'. The paper afterwards review contemporary transformations of philosophy of science and elaborates on its effects on the crisis of modern science. And, finally, points out to the ways contemporary Arabic thought can participate to solve such a crisis.

10 - "Multiculturalism and the Fall of the Subject/Object Divide - the Search for the New Paradigm of Social Sciences", (in English), presented at the Arab/Turkish Congress of Social Sciences (ATCOSS2010), Ankara, Turkey, 10-12 Dec. 2010, published in the proceedings of the conference titled 'Culture and Politics in the New Middileast', Yassin Aktay (ed.), Institute of Stratedign Thinking press, 2012, P. 43-65.

Subject: Presentation of the problem of the subject/object divide which is the central principle in the modern philosophy, afterwards, presenting the transformations throughout the twentieth century in which such a principle has been violated and challenged. Finally, we introduced our own alternative which is the principle/method of separation-connection which is consistent with the Arab/Islamic civilization and leads to a new basis for social sciences.  

11- "Domain Limits for Models? - Modeling as a tool for Bridging Natural and Human Sciences", (in English), in Al-Mukhatabat Philosophy Journal, July 2012, P. 108 - 139.

Subject: In this article we address the problem of the domain of models. We propose that the model, in its general form, can cover as wide as both natural and human domains. This leads to an interesting result, which is that modeling in such a case can be implemented to resume the efforts to unify natural and human sciences. In this case, model will replace theory and our aim would be shifted to the 'model of everything' instead of the 'theory of everything'.

12- "The Three Meanings of Knowledge in the Arab/Islamic Worldview - the Separation/Connection Methodology as an Epistemological Tool", presented at the International Conference: "Epistemology for the Rest of the World", Japan Advanced Institue of Science and Technology (JAIST) Tokyo, Japan, 8-9 Aug. 2013.

Subject: To present the effect of the differnt worldviews in different Cultures/Civilizations on our understanding of the concept of 'Knowledg', and to present the structure of such a concept in the Arab/Islamic Worldview as an example of such effect. In addition, we present how we can make use of such a conception in proplems of methodology and Epistemology, and how to apply it to deal with the problem of unification of natural and human sciences.


13- "The Unified Equation of Gravity and QM: The Case of non-Relativistic Motion", Almukhatabat Journal, No. 11, June 2014, P. 87-107.

Subject: The article presents the consequences of adopting the classical fundamental postulate that every natural body is composed of N individual final particles (the indivisible atoms) in current physics, this inculdes photons and other 'proposed' massles elementary particles. In such a case the final particles become endowed with the power of Individual Randomness, which reduces schrodinger Equation into a continuity equation that reduces to Laplace eq. when N approaches infinity. As such, Gravity and QM become unified at the non-relativistic limit.


B. Articles:

1- Articles on philosophy of science in 'Al-Arabi' magazine- Kuwait (In Arabic)
a- "The truth of time travel", January 2004.
b- "Quantum Mechanics- a world of mysteries in the heart of nature", June 2004.
c- "Does matter possess a mind?", January 2005.

II- Philosophy of Civilization:

A- Papers

1- "Necessities of theorization in contemporary Egyptian and Arabic thought", (In Arabic)

"ضرورات التنظير في الفكر المصري والعربي المعاصر"
Presented in the 12th annual convention of the (EPS), 2000, and published in the Center of Arab Unity, Beirut, 2002.

Subject : the work cites the essential shortcoming of contemporary projects of Arab renaissance which is the lack of sufficient depth and the necessary theorization of the essential elements of renaissance. This work represents an introduction to my personal project of renaissance which purports to cover this shortcoming in our efforts for modernity.
2- "Modernity between Critique and Belief – an Investigation of the role of belief in contemporary Western thought", (In Arabic) (الحداثة بين النقد والاعتقاد - دور الاعتقاد في تكوين الفكر الغربي المعاصر)
Presented in the 15th convention of the (EPS), 2003, published in the (EPS) magazine, December 2006, P.169-207.

Subject : To uncover the element of belief that is hidden in the structure of modern and contemporary Western thought. This shows that the claim that Western thought is based on mere reason is not correct. In addition to refute the implicit claim, that the modern Western thought is the absolute representative of the human thought.

3- "The method of religious renewal in the thought of shaikh Abdoulquaher Aljurjani"(In Arabic), Presented at the 9th international conference of Islamic philosophy, division of 'Islamic sciences' ( Faculty of Dar el'Oloum), Cairo University, April 2004, published in the magazine of the faculty, issue no. 36, October 2005

(منهج التجديد الديني عند الشيخ عبد القاهر الجرجاني)
Subject: Uncovering the method used by sheikh Abdoulquaher in his treatment of the problem of the linguistic miracle of the Qur'an (الإعجاز اللغوي في القرآن). And to show that this method lead him to split between the scientific problem which is his theory of arrangement (Nazm) and the theological problem, which is the problem of the linguistic miracle (الإعجاز اللغوي). This analysis shows clearly that sheikh abdoulquaher has introduced a new method of religious renewal that can be used today to solve different problems that contain a theological as well as a scientific or a philosophical element.  
4- "limits of reason between Islamic thought and contemporary Western thought", (In Arabic), Presented at the 11th international conference of Islamic philosophy, faculty of 'Islamic sciences' (Dar el'Oloum), Cairo University, April 2006, published in the magazine of the faculty, March 2007, P 695-738.

 (حدود العقل بين الفكر الإسلامي والفكر الغربي المعاصر)

Subject : To prove that active engagement of contemporary Islamic thought with the current human thought can be achieved through the notion of the limit of reason. This notion entails the acknowledgement of the diversity and equality of cultures, for every thought, including the Western, is grounded on a specific worldview which represents its limits of reason. On the basis of such a view we build the connection between the Islamic worldview and other contemporary cultures and worldviews.


5- "The Problem of Consciousness and its Solution in Terms of "the Separation - Conjunction Method", (in Arabic), Presented at the International Conference of "Religious Doctrines and the Mind-Body Problem", Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy - Islamic Theology and Research Center, March 9-10, 2011, Qum, Iran.

(مشكلة الوعي في إطار منهج الفصل والوصل - بحث في حدود كل من الفكر الديني والفكر العلمي في تفسير ظاهرة الوعي)

Subject: To point out that  the the problem of consciousness is a 'combined religious-scientific problem'. Such a category of problems should be dealt with through the "separation-conjunction method", through which limits of religious and scientific thought are presereved. Afterwards we show how to apply such a method on the contemporary problem of consciousness.


6- "The Methodological Dimension in Contemporary Arabic Philosophical Thought - Depending on the Separation and Connection", (in Arabic)

"البعد المنهجي في الفكر الفلسفي العربي المعاصر - الارتكاز على الفصل والوصل"

presented at the International conference titled: "Philosophy in the Arabic World at the beginnings of the 21st Century - Cultural Orientations and Research Experiences", Oran, Algeria, 11-12 March 2015.

Subject: The article discusses the current state of the Arabic thought from the methodological point of view within the current rising tradition of comparative philosophy. It shows that such a thought is implicitly based on the principle of separation and connection. Hence, such a state combined with the distinct Arabic Worldview makes possible for it to produce genuine philosophical thought provided that it formulates its own separation/connection principle into rigorous methodological scheme.

7- "Is There an Islamic Philosophy? - An Inquiry Concerning Multiculturalism in Philosophy", Qurst: a Research Journal, Lahore University, Philosophy Department, Pakistan, 2011-2012, P. 26-57.

Subject: Discussing the conditions for an "Islamic" thught to be described as "philosophy" within the general persepective of multicultuarism.

8- "Philosophy of Art in the Islamic Civilization in light of the separation-connection methodology" (in Arabic) , presented in the international conference 'Art in Islamic Thought', organized by the International Institute of Islamic thought, 25-26 April, 2012, Amman, Jordan. Published in the book of the conference titled 'Art in Islamic Thought- a  methodological epistemological vision', by Fathy Malkawy (editor)' 2013, p. 379-414.

Subject: To deal with the problem of advancement of current Islamic Art as a part of the prolem of advancement  of current Arab/Islamic philosophical thought making use of the Separation/Connection methodology.


B- Articles

1- regular articles about the Arabic renaissance from may 2001 till January 2006, in alqahera newspaper, a weekly news paper published by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture.

2- Numerous articles in philosophy of science and modernity in Alahram newspaper, 2000 till 2004.