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I- Philosophy of Science:

Cover Page - Science and Conditions of Renaissance1-"Science and Conditions of Renaissance" (العلم وشروط النهضة), four parts, Madbouli Book store, Cairo, Jan. 2008. 555 pages (In Arabic)

Subject : Construction of the relation between  theoretical and practical conceptions of contemporary scientific knowledge, on one hand, and contemporary Arabic societies on the other. And showing how such a relation may affect the essential problem of Arabic renaissance.

Part 1: Science and our View to the World

Subject: A Presentation of the transformations through which the modern conceptions of scientific thought has passed during the 20th century, which lead to the appearance of the new concepts of scientific knowledge and to the gradual emergence of a new model of nature. The work elucidates the current status of division of the scientific community between those defending the old mechanistic model and the new conceptions of science.

Part 2: The societal structure of scientific knowledge

Subject: To prove, on the basis of contemporary literature of sociology of science, the interactive relationship between science and society and that science may be viewed as a societal activity that is trance-organizational. Moreover to prove that science is not value free and that the nature of science is a product of the specific view to nature that science is pursued under which. Such findings represent the necessary preparation for grounding the renaissance of the Arabic societies on contemporary scientific thought.

Part 3: Science and our religious beliefs

Subject: To establish the correct relationship between religion in general and science, on the basis of a humanistic approach. Hence, on the basis of such a general relation, the correct relation between Islamic religion and science is constructed in a way respecting such a general relationship.

Part 4 : Science and citizenship

Subject: To prove that in order to achieve an Arabic renaissance it is essential to Arabic citizens to be conscious of themselves as scientific persons, alongside with their self consciousness as ideological (i.e, Arabic Nationals) as well as religious (i.e., Muslims) persons. On this basis we analyze the inherent problem of Arabic societies that results from the lack of such a scientific self understanding.

Book Cover - Science and the Arabic Worldview2- "Science and the Arabic Worldview" (العلم والنظرة العربية إلى العالم) (in Arabic) , four parts. (Center of Arabic Unity, Beirut, Oct. 2009)

Subject: Constructing the foundational relation between the 'Arabic Worldview' and contemporary scientific thought.

Part1: "The Arabic Worldview"

Subject: To construct the concept of 'the Arabic Worldview'. Through an in-depth review of the concept of Worldview the concept of the Arabic worldview, as an unconscious view of the Arabic individual, is constructed by articulating on the Holy Qur'an. Afterwards, the problematic of the internal consistency of the worldview is studied, and the relation between the problem of consistency and the failure of the Arabic science to enter the period of the modern science is established.

Part2: "Worldview and the Scientific Methodology"

Subject: To construct the 'evolutionary historical view of science'. On the basis of the view that science is a part of our worldview, the historical view of science is constructed. In this view science advances not in a linear way but with advancement of the successive worldviews. Hence, science has developed through four consequent worldviews, which generated four different but evolutionary types of science, the Greek, the Arabic, the Modern, and the contemporary views.

Part3: "The Arabic Worldview and the Contemporary Scientific View".

Subject: To review the previous attempts in the ancient Islamic civilization as well as the modern Arabic thought to establish a consistent relation between the Arabic worldview and modern science. In this context the work of Abdoulquaher Aljurjani in the tenth century has been reviewed. The conclusion is that all such trials have failed to establish such a consistent relation.

Part4: "Consistency and the Scientific Foundation of the Arabic Renaissance"

Subject: To establish the required consistent relation between contemporary Arabic Worldview and contemporary scientific thought. This is done through reviewing the European experience of establishing such a relation during the age of reform and the early renaissance. Through such a review the conditions of fulfilling such a task is concluded and epitomized in three general conditions; to depend on the 'separation-connection' methodology, to establish the Arabic scientific view from within contemporary human thought, and to participate in formulating the new scientific model. Finally, these conditions were discussed in relation to both natural and human sciences.

II- Philosophy of Civilization:

Cover Page - The Arabic Popular Revolutions1- The Popular Arabic Revolutions and the Challenges of Constructing the Modern  State - Soceital Values as a Basis for the Modern Arabic State, Madbouli Book Store, Cairo, 2013, three parts, 347 pages.


 A Historical and philosophical investigation of the concept of the modern state and its relation to contemporary transformations through whcih Arabic states are passing. Through a process of abstraction of the concept, the conceptual relation between European modernism and the modern state is untied in favor of a multicultural conception of the term. As a consequence, An Arab/Islamic view of the concept of the modern state has been established through preserving a consistent set of values that are of both modernist/traditonal origins.

Pat1: The State as an Abstrct Theoretical Concept.

Part: The State Between the Arabic and the Western Thought.

Part3: The State From a Contemporary Arabic Perspective.


Forthcoming :

2-  "Conditions of the theoretical grounding of the Arabic renaissance and 'After-postmodernism' thought. (In Arabic), forthcoming, 2014.

Subject: Introducing the necessary conditions for contemporary Arabic thought to present an innovative thought that contributes to contemporary human thought without replicating either the modern Western thought or the traditional Islamic thought. The work uncovers the inherent potential of the Arabic/Islamic thought to present such a novel perspective.


In Progress:

3- "Rational Belief - the Theoretical Basis and the Structure of the Relations Between Religious, Metaphysical and Scientific Thought'.