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Philosophers of  the Arabs

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       Philosophy Research Work

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d. Philosophy of Science

1. Sosa, Ernest, 2007, "Experimental philosophy and philosophical intuition", Philosophical Studies, 132:99–107. (Abstract).

2. Rom Harre, 2001, Dispositions and Powers, in W.H. Newton-Smith, "A Companion to the Philosophy of Science", Blckwell Companions to Philsophy, Blackwell Publishers, Pp. 97-101.

  3. Cartwright , Nancy, with   Alexandrova, A.,  Efstathiou, S.  Hamilton, A., and  Muntean, I.,  Laws’ in Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy , Michael Smith and Frank Jackson (eds), 2005, Pp. 792-818,

4. Tawfic, Shomar , 2008, "Phenomenologism vs fundamentalism: The case of
", Current Science, VOL. 94, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2008, P. 1256 -

 5.      Bourdieu, Pierre. The Peculiar History of Scientific Reason,  Sociological Forum, Volume 6, Issue 1 , Mar. 1991, 3-26.

6. Stapp,  Henry. Quantum Mechanics and the Role of Mind in Nature, , Foundations of Physics 31, 1465-99 (2001).

7. Strawson, Galen. Real materialism , in Chomsky and his Critics, edited by Louise Antony and Norbert Hornstein (Blackwell 2003).

8.      Papineau, David. The Rise of Physicalism, , in M W F Stone;  Jonathan Wolff;  NetLibrary, Inc.J. Wolff (ed) The Proper Ambition of Science. Routledge, Pp. 174-208, 2000. 

9.      Bishop, Robert. Rethinking Determinism, in Social Science,", with Frank Richardson in" Between Chance and Choice" (Imprint Academic, 2002, pp. 425-45).

10.  Crow Douglas, Karim.        Reason,  Physicalism,  and  Islam,   August 2003, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization – IIUM, Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia

11.      Feyerabend, Paul. Consolations for the Specialist: the role of reason in science, , in (Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, A. (eds.) Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. Cambridge University Press (1970).

12.      Thompson, Ian. Real Dispositions in the Physical World, , in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 39 (1988) 67-7.


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