Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid
The Power of Dialogue
Nasr Hamid
Abu Zaid, exilied Egyptian theologian, promotes renewed dialogue with the
Islamic world – a dialogue that seeks to connect with representatives of
moderate political Islam as well as the "silent majority" of the Islamic world.
Mahmoud Tawfik reports|
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Nasr Hamid Abu
Zaid | Since September
11, 2001, "dialogue with Islam" is in high demand. But this cultural approach
has been overshadowed by terror attacks by Islamist groups as well as increasing
resentment against Muslims. The situation calls for new forms of dialogue, or at
least a revision of older forms.
Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, Egyptian expert for
Islamic studies and literature, elaborated on his understanding of such a
dialogue during a visit with the Deutsche Welle in Bonn.
More forums
needed for exchanging views"In a dialogue, it is not necessarily
about convincing the other side of your own views. One of my dreams is that
there be more forums for dialogue, for an exchange of views – and not forcing my
opinion on someone and eliminating the other. If I only speak with those who
accept my personal views, then I am not engaging in dialogue."
Nasr Hamid
Abu Zaid can hardly be called a heretic. But in his native country Egypt he has
been branded as such – and not only by orthodox religious leaders. Back then,
over ten years ago, Abu Zaid resisted an understanding of Islam that seemed to
be getting increasingly monolithic and rigid.
He attempted new
interpretations that would allow him to advocate equality for women in Islamic
societies – not by denouncing the Islamic sharia, but by extrapolating on it
according to its own inherent logic.
Denounced by religious
zealotsThe result of this was that the University of Cairo refused
to grant him a professorship. An Egyptian court ordered a "forced divorce" to
split up his marriage – according to traditional Islamic precepts, a Muslim
woman may not be married to a "heretic."
This happened at a time when
many in Egypt wanted to see Abu Zaid silenced, while in the West he was
celebrated as an enlightened liberal.
Today he lives in exile in the
Netherlands and is a professor for Ibn Rushd studies at the University of
Utrecht. But his experiences in Cairo still occasionally haunt him: "It is
possible that if Islamists come to power in Egypt, they would establish a
non-democratic system and the name of the first one who would be sentenced to
death is Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid."
Abu Zaid nonetheless advocates dialogue
with those who have condemned him. This may not guarantee a better world, he
says. But it is an alternative to violence. And violence, as history has shown,
only produces counter-violence.
David winning against
GoliathHis peaceful approach has already met with some successes in
the Arabic world. Abu Zaid recalls a televised discussion with one of his most
staunch opponents, the Islamic intellectual Mohamed Emara:
"Mohamed Emara
was the star of the show, not me. Because he knows how to talk, he has charisma,
not me. But something curious happened. Some of my friends told me that this
show turned people's views around 180 degrees. In the end, I was the one who was
sympathized with!" Abu Zaid triumphantly recalls.
The power of
dialogueAbu Zaid believes in the power of dialogue. Not necessarily
in dialogue as a form of communication that creates solutions or a victory for
one side over the other, but as a way of thinking that, with repeated use, will
sink into the minds of people – thereby keeping them from becoming dogmatists
who defend their beliefs with violence.
But he also believes in the
power of dialogue to expose behavior that should not be accepted: "People
watched the television show in order to get a look at this 'heretic,' Abu Zaid.
People have a certain idea of a heretic – that they shout loudly, for example.
But they noticed that it was Emara who got loud. I was, on the other hand, very
quiet, I even smiled."
Of course it is possible, says Abu Zaid, that
open dialogue with radical forces will initially increase their influence. For
example democratic achievements in Arabic societies could be negated if
Islamists form a new government.
But is it more likely, he says, that
these forces, once in power, will be exposed as lacking a concept – and their
polemics of sharia and a religious state will turn out to be propaganda that is
ill-suited for daily politics. But under no circumstances, says Abu Zaid, should
Islamism be fought with violence.
Dialogue, but not at any
priceAccording to Abu Zaid, violent repression is the seed of terror
and militant Islamism in the Arabic world: "If one is not in a position to
change society through democratic means because these are lacking, then there is
no other choice than using violence to impose your ideas on society."
insists, however, on at least one important distinction. Dialogue with
Islamists? Yes, but not with those who incite or practice violence. They are
criminals and should be treated as such, that is, through legal
Much more important than prosecuting the small number of
radical Islamists is creating a dialogue with those who support terrorism
through their silence, or those who create a breeding ground for it with their
fundamentalist ideas.
If such people are given the opportunity to
articulate themselves in a peaceful way, then in principle the backbone of
terrorism has already been broken.
Mahmoud Tawfik
© Deutsche
Welle/ 2004
Translated from tje German by Christina M.